Saturday, March 28, 2020

When The Evil Twin Shows Up

Many consider it a bad sign when dysfunction shows up in a relationship.  

The earlier the better:  Why?  If it shows up early, you're making progress and it's truly a blessing.  You know it's there.  You just don't know exactly what flavor.  If they're a goat, you don't have to waste time.   

  • The fall of man in Gen 3 explains it.  We hide, blame shift, and lie.
  • Sadly, people are masters at hiding their junk.  We claim progress, recovery, I'm in counseling, etc -but is it real?  Remember the fruit?
  • No worries.  You'll find out.  My friends chuckle when I refer to dysfunction as swamp gas - it can't be hidden and always bubbles to the surface.  Swamp gas is the result of decaying dead things.
  • The iceberg analogy also works.  Everything looks good above the waterline.  But just wait.....😒
  • Try to resolve the issues.  If the party is unwilling, you know what to do.  If you're married, the choice is a bit more difficult.
Application:  we're blessed to live in an age where much is written about getting your ducks in a row.  Christian self-help books are everywhere.  The Bible is a great resource.  So is your pastor.  Remember the fruit - you must apply these things to your life consistently.  Otherwise it's just hot air moving across your lips.

***Blessings on your day.  Hope you all are well and dealing with the social distancing.

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

Daily thoughts on faith and life:  😏 A person wants friendship but refuses to adopt the attributes of a safe person and would rather be tox...