Wednesday, March 18, 2020

James 1:1-4

James 1:1-4.....possible titles for you to use:  when you suffer, count it all joy, purpose of trials, embrace trials, never give up.

Admin notes:  During this rather difficult time where churches are cancelling services, I've decided to write some Bible study notes.  Feel free to follow along, comments, ask questions, have some online fellowship.  History/background information is up to you.  E-sword software, Dr Constable's Bible study notes , etc.  Plenty of reliable sources and free commentaries.  Inductive study format can be found at for detailed info.  Any questions, please ask.

Verse 1:  James, half brother of Jesus and bond-servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • servant/bond-servant G1401 - slave, in subjection
Verse 2:  Your mess is a blessing!
  • consider/count G2233 - judge, regard, deem, think
  • joy G5479 - delight, cheerfulness, gladness, rejoice
  • encounter/fall into/meet/face G4045 - be surrounded with
  • various/diverse/magnifold G4164 - motley
  • trials/temptations G3986 - testing, adversity, proving
Verse 3:  Faith workouts produce patience and perseverance.
  • testing/trying/proof G1383 - proving
  • faith G4102
  • endurance/patience/steadfastness G5281- perseverance, patient continuance
Verse 4:  You must be mature and complete, sanctified
  • endurance - see verse 3 note
  • perfect/full effect G5046 - complete, having reached its end, wanting nothing
  • result/work/full effect G2041 - 
  • complete/entire G3648 - 
  • lacking/wanting G3007
  • nothing G3367
What does it say?  What is God telling me?  We are taught to be joyful in our troubles.  Faith is a must and you WILL be tested/exercised.  Nowhere in scripture are we promised easy street.

Application:  People often ask "why me Lord?"  Perhaps the better question is Lord, what can I learn from this?  How might I grow to please you?

  1. How do you normally react when adversity visits?
  2. Who do you depend on to solve problems?  You or God?
  3. Are you closer to God during suffering or easy street?

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

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