Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Dumpster Fire of Codependency

Very recently, I began to investigate this topic.  A pamphlet at church from Celebrate Recovery provided a list of symptoms.  Internet articles gave  more clues.  Everyone seems to have codependency but no one really knows what it is.  Hint - it's not in the DSM-5.  Here's a list of patterns and characteristics from Codependents Anonymous:

Another article discussed one certain question that floured me:  why do you stay in a dysfunctional relationship, try too hard and tolerating ugly, inappropriate behavior?  Yes, I've been asked that question before.  Another article stated that if you're in a relationship with a known codependent, you probably have it yourself.  Ok, I was paying attention at that point.

  • Where did it begin?  Childhood.  And no, this isn't going to be a litany of who I can blame.  I adopted behavior out of what I thought was survival and carried it into adulthood.  So if you suspect this might be you, process your own junk.  It's your responsibility.
  • Traits/patterns of interest---

  1. Perceive oneself as unselfish but being very self-centered.
  2. Lacking empathy
  3. Won't accept help from others
  4. Hard time admitting mistakes
  5. Mask pain with anger, humor, or isolation
  6. Rage, criticism, harshness when angry
  7. Low self-esteem
  8. Stifling control issues, use blame and shame, refuse to compromise, judge harshly, withhold expressions of appreciation.
  9. Refuse to let God be first.
  10. Jekyll and Hyde behavior is particularly disturbing.
I'll stop here.  There is plenty more but my heart hurts.  How does one peel a rotten onion?  Hopefully you now understand the title?

Melody Beattie writes Codependent No More - how to stop controlling others and start caring for yourself.  Dr Henry Cloud also has a helpful resource at  For $9 per month, you get access to tons of stuff.  I highly recommend it.

This is the first of many posts about this topic, faith and life.  I hope you will share and subscribe.  Blessings.
*my spell check button seems to have disappeared.  Be patient with any typos and leave me a heads up in the comments.  I'll fix it.

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

Daily thoughts on faith and life:  😏 A person wants friendship but refuses to adopt the attributes of a safe person and would rather be tox...