Sunday, November 15, 2020

Does God hear all your prayers?


Daily musings on life and everyday stuff  😏

  1. Yesterday was certainly interesting.  FB memories comes through again.  
  • My son's birthday.  😄
  • My ex wife who is now deceased had a 14 Nov birthday.  😢
  • A new friend Kimberly celebrates her b'day on 14 Nov.  😀
  • And an old flame from many years ago.
* I struggle with this election nonsense.  The media doesn't certify an election.
** A mask mandate for ND?  More restrictions?  How many businesses and churches will fail?

  Proverbs 15:8 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but the prayer of the upright is His delight.

Key words/phrases: context: verses 8-9
  • sacrifice - H2077:  offerings, outward religious rituals.
  • wicked - H7563:  morally wrong, criminal, offender, ungodly, sinner, hostile to God, guilty
  • abomination - H8441:  detestable, loathsome, disgusting thing, abhorrence
  • Lord - H3068
  • prayer - H8605:  intercession, supplication
  • upright - H3477
  • delight - H7522
What does it say?  (in my own words) - The offering of the sinner is disgusting to the Lord, but the supplication of the pleasing is acceptable.

What does it mean?  God wants your obedience, not your hypocrisy.  So when you come with unconfessed sin in your life, He hates what you're doing. 

Study Questions:  
  1. Does God answer or even hear all prayers?  No, not with sin in your life.  See Ps 66:18.  
  2. Are there other hindrances to prayer?  You bet!  Google it.
  3. What causes the problem?  A single unconfessed sin.
The next right thing (application):  Examine yourself.  Confess and repent.  Keep short accounts.  Confess whenever you realize you've sinned.  This will be often.  Daily.  Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources:  Personal favorite: for free bible study software. for inductive study information. is also a great resource.  Tons of free resources on the internet.  😀 

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time...

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

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