Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Discernment Checklist


Daily thoughts on faith and life: 😏

  1. Just about everywhere you look, critical thinking and discernment seem to be in short supply.  Sounds bites for news.  And sadly, their only source for information is main stream media.  Daily devotionals and sermonettes for faith issues which means they are spiritually malnourished.  People are intellectually lazy.  It's no surprise we're suffering from spiritual starvation.  Here's a checklist that should help in the discernment category.
  • First step:  are you sure you're saved?
  • Check the Bible and find out what it says about your concern or problem,
  • Is it forbidden in the scriptures?
  • What's your motive?  Look up the word eisegesis.
  • Your accountability partners say what about this?
  • And lastly, does this violate your conscience?
Let's be honest.  If you're not saved or you don't know, you're not going to get far.  The second two are going to be difficult for many.  You don't know your Bible and you've no clue how to study it.  Consequently you're going to need some help until you get on your feet.  That's where the accountability partners, many counselors, learned people comes in.  You need to ask.  And your motives are a critical issue here.  (Here's one example:  many people desire to remarry so they search for an opinion, whether correct or otherwise that will allow that.  And now we have people on third and fourth marriages.)

  Proverbs 8:10  Take my instruction and not silver, and knowledge rather than choicest gold.
  • receive/take/choose H3947
  • instruction H4148 - discipline, correction, reproof, chastening, warning, doctrine, rebuke
  • silver H370
  • knowledge H1847 - discernment, skill, truth, understanding
  • choicest H997
  • gold H2742

Key words/phrases: context: verses 
What does it say?  (in my own words) - 

What does it mean?  

Study Questions:  

The next right thing (application):  Your most valuable and reliable insights come from the Bible.  Perhaps it's time to put intellectual laziness away and mature a bit in your faith?

Free resources:  Personal favorite: e-sword.net for free bible study software.  Intothyword.org for inductive study information.  Biblegateway.com is also a great resource.  Tons of free resources on the internet.  😀 

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time...

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

Daily thoughts on faith and life:  😏 A person wants friendship but refuses to adopt the attributes of a safe person and would rather be tox...