Thursday, November 12, 2020

Freedom or Slavery: what's it going to be?


Daily musings on life and everyday stuff  😏

  1. Election results:  I pray that truth will prevail.  It will certainly be a while before we know.  Will it be freedom or slavery?
  2. What would happen if a purge of DC occurred and we started over?  Seriously:  all of it, including the swamplings.
  3. BTW, the word freedom in the title is a relative term.  Our freedoms have disappeared significantly over the last half century while our tax burden has increased.  😒
  4. Boundaries:  when the fat lady with the pink hair, gingivitis, bad teeth, lumpy butt and the hairy back shows up breathing lies and covid, step back so you don't get any on you.  😓
  5. Watch the HodgeTwins on youtube for some laughter and entertainment.  Their channel is Conservative Twins.

  Proverbs 12:17  He who speaks truth tells what is right, but a false witness, deceit.

Key words/phrases: context: 
  • speaks - H6315:  breathes, utters, tells
  • truth - H530:  faithful, correct, stability, fidelity
  • right - H6664:  accurate
  • false - H8267:  untruth, sham, liar, wrongful, lie, deception, fraud
  • witness - H5707:  evidence
  • deceit - H4820:  treachery, dishonest, false
What does it say?  He/she who utters what is faithful/honest is righteous, but a liar brings forth falsehood.

What does it mean?   Everyone hates liars, including God.  Even what we'd like to think are the little white lies.  Example:  a person is offended by another.  They go and tattle to the pastor.  Kinda like a child having a tantrum.  No evidence is presented - just a false narrative by someone who has a case of butthurt.  I would also say the pastor is in the wrong for entertaining this nonsense.  Matthew 18:15-17.

Study Questions:  
  1. Has scripture been violated by going straight to the pastor?  No doubt.
  2. What's the motive of tattling?  Revenge, vengeance, caused by spiritual immaturity and stupidity...all sin.
  3. Who sinned in Genesis 3?  Who lied?
The next right thing (application):  Read Genesis 3 and the fall of man.  Liars have no value and have a deceitful spirit.  Avoid them.  If they repent, one must still be cautious.  Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources:  Personal favorite: for free bible study software. for inductive study information. is also a great resource.  Tons of free resources on the internet.  😀 

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time...

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

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