Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How Could I Have Missed This?

For my church family, friends in recovery, and those who know me - it would appear we have a spiritual problem.  The last several months have been an amazing journey filled with trials - joy, tears, heartache and blessing.

Background - All the things I'll mention here are not new.  Apparently all this stuff has been rattling around in my head for some time.  Hence, the title...

  • A recent sermon on Matthew 14 where Peter walks on the water.  
  • John Ortberg's book - "If you want to walk on water you have to get out of the boat"
  • Dating someone who's codependent and discovering that I have some of those traits.
  • Reading a list of codependency symptoms - one of which was:  why do you stay in relationships too long and try so hard when the evil twin shows up and the crap show starts?  
  • A pastor friend who struggles with alcohol and is told he has a spiritual problem...
  • A recent church video about love being the antidote.  But is that really the answer?
  • A moving video this morning on Psalm 23.

Oh you of little faith:  read Matthew 14:22-36 and you'll see how it's so easy for us to lose Jesus in life's daily storms.

Application:  so if you're struggling today with some sort of hurt, habit or hangup, and we all know we do, the answer is Jesus.  Could the key be something as simple as more FAITH?  God can't be first with you on the what?

The next step:  for me it's to confess and ask God's forgiveness.  I don't pretend to know nor advise you on what you need to do.  God will show you in His Word.

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

Daily thoughts on faith and life:  😏 A person wants friendship but refuses to adopt the attributes of a safe person and would rather be tox...