Monday, April 6, 2020

Conflict Resolution Checklist

So, you've found yourself in conflict with someone in church.  Biblical conflict resolution really works and the Bible has a lot to say about it.  Please remember, this is a checklist.  If you're a church goer, it actually assumes you might know your Bible. If not, perhaps it's time to learn...  😉

The Ultimate Goal -restoration.  Remember, He has forgiven you much!  (See Luke 17:3-4) Nowhere does scripture tell you to take your own revenge. Also see Gal 6:1.

  • Check your heart.  Or as some would say, remove the log from your own eye.  

  1. Do you have a spirit of humility or is pride raging?
  2. What are your motives?  Are you actually involved in the conflict or did you come by this via gossip and decide to butt in on behalf of a friend?  If the latter is true, butt out.  Is there a sin or is your ego bruised?
  • If possible, take a few days before proceeding.  Pray and talk to others about the severity of the matter.  Knee jerk doesn't always go well.
  • Matt 7:5 - remove the log from your own eye.  Are you at fault in this?
  • Matt 18:15-17
  1. One on one
  2. Two or more
  3. Tell it to the church
Notice it doesn't say gossip with your cronies first.  It says go to your brother and attempt to resolve it.  And don't tarry either.  God doesn't even want your worship until after you've attempted to be reconciled.  If your first step is gossip and then you decide to start taking pot shots at the alleged offender on FB, you might be a moron.

Conflict is seldom easy and can be messy.  God wants us to be reconciled with others before we come to Him.  Blessings on your day!

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

Daily thoughts on faith and life:  😏 A person wants friendship but refuses to adopt the attributes of a safe person and would rather be tox...