Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Proverbs 13:3

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. Truth matters.  A slanted story is a lie!  See Genesis 3.  And lies destroy trust and your credibility.
  2. Relocation is still being considered.  Prayers are appreciated.  A gossip wants to desperately know where I'm considering.  Beware the slanderer/tale-bearer.

Proverbs 13:3 - The one who guards his mouth preserves his life, the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin

Key words/phrases: context:  verses 2-3
  • guards/keepeth H5341 - watch, observe, keep closed, protect, maintain
  • mouth H6310
  • preserves H8104 - hedge about, beware
  • life H5315 - 
  • opens wide H6589 - part, be talkative, become licentious
  • comes to ruin H4288 destruction, terror, dissolution

What does it say (in my own words)?   Zip your lip and be careful what you say.   Run your cake hole and you'll come to ruin.

What does it mean?   Life or death is in the tongue - your choice.  If your emotions rule and you can't control yourself, it will destroy you.  Your future is a stake.  A simple lesson...

Study Questions:  
  1. What are you known for?  A gracious common sense approach or diarrhea of the mouth?
  2. Are you swift to hear and slow to speak?  James 1:19
  3. Does your mouth rule over you?
  4. Are you sarcastic and need to have the last word?
Personal application:  Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  Some people aren't too bright - they could stand to engage their brain before they put their mouth in gear.  Get control of the tongue and do not sin with your mouth...Do a search on sins of the tongue.  Here's a link to get you started:  https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/bible-verses-about-the-tongue/  Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources:  e-sword.net for free bible study software.  Intothyword.org for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time...

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

Daily thoughts on faith and life:  😏 A person wants friendship but refuses to adopt the attributes of a safe person and would rather be tox...