Sunday, July 19, 2020

Proverbs 19:8

Zinnias are a favorite of mine!

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. Hypocrites in church is often cited as a reason for not attending?  Seriously, shall I name them?  LOL, we are all, to varying degrees, phony.  And if you do discover the ugly behind the mask, I suggest running quickly. - particularly if you've tried to help and you get raged at. 
  2. Healing takes time.  A friend who recently divorced reminded me of what a mess it is.  The same can be said for the learned coping behaviors that fall into the category of mental illness.  We are often frustrated that we're not there yet (healed).  Why?  Americans have a cheeseburger drive through mentality.  We want what we want and it better get here quickly. 
  3. If you really want to know the condition of your heart, listen to what comes out of your mouth.  Observe your behaviors.  What's your motive?  Ask your friends what they think of you.  And then ask a real friend to get the truth.

Proverbs 19:8 - He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who keeps understanding will find good.

Key words/phrases: context:  verses 

  • he who gets/acquires H7069 - procure
  • wisdom H3820
  • loves H157 - has affection for
  • his own soul H5315
  • keeps H8104 - guard, watch
  • understanding H8394 - discernment, reason
  • find/discover H4672
  • good/success H2896

What does it say?  procure wisdom and retain understanding.

What does it mean?   self-explanatory 

Study Questions:  
  1. Do you love yourself? 
  2. How valuable is wisdom?
  3. Are you biblically illiterate?
  4. What's your plan to get wisdom and keep understanding?
  5. Is your default behavior to do what you've always done?
Personal application:  Get wisdom.  What's your heart telling you about you?  Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources: for free bible study software. for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time...

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Proverbs 15:1 - Gentle or Harsh...choose wisely!

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. Have you ever engaged in angry venting?  Given someone a piece of your mind?  Been unable to put pride away and ruined a relationship? Is this behavior sinful?

Proverbs 15:1 - A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Key words/phrases: context:  verses 
  • gentle/soft: H7390 - tender, delicate, weak
  • answer: H4617 - reply
  • turns away: H7725 - averts
  • wrath/fury/anger: H2534 - rage, poison, displeasure, indignation, venom
  • harsh/grievous: H6089 - painful, offensive
  • word H1697
  • stirs up: H5927 - prompts

What does it say?  Rage, sass, angry venting never works.

What does it mean?   self-explanatory 

Study Questions:  
  1. Will you put away pride and end the fight?
  2. Are you prone to rage and venting?
  3. Have these negative actions ever help you or do you tear your own house down and blame the other party?
  4. Do you have to get the last word in?
  5. Are you prone to self-justification?
  6. Has pride ever solved anything?
  7. Do you value your relationships?  If not, they will evaporate.
Personal application:  Peacemakers please God.  Sinful rage does not.  Don't be an angry person.  What's your heart telling you about you?  Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources: for free bible study software. for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time...

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Proverbs 14:22---Life is impossible without Jesus and His ways work!

No idea what kind of flower.  Just liked the color.

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. A recent trip to NDSU perennial gardens was nice.  Daylilies are spectacular!  So are the annuals.
  2. I'm really puzzled why bible conflict resolution is so difficult?  Pride gets in the way?  And ignorance of scripture is huge!
  3. Bottom line - life is impossible without Jesus and His ways work!

Proverbs 14:22 - Will they not go astray who devise evil?  But kindness and truth will be to those who devise good.

Key words/phrases: context:  verses 2-3
  • go astray
  • devise
  • evil
  • kindness
  • truth
  • devise good

What does it say (in my own words)?   

What does it mean?   Evil takes you to a bad place.  

Study Questions:  
  1. Do you find yourself planning sin?
Personal application:  Vengeance, manipulation, controlling behavior, disrespect, condescension, pig-headed pride, back biting, gossip, alcoholism, porn, casual sex, a long lis that could be added's all sin!  Confess and repent.    Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources: for free bible study software. for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time...

Proverbs 13:3

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. Truth matters.  A slanted story is a lie!  See Genesis 3.  And lies destroy trust and your credibility.
  2. Relocation is still being considered.  Prayers are appreciated.  A gossip wants to desperately know where I'm considering.  Beware the slanderer/tale-bearer.

Proverbs 13:3 - The one who guards his mouth preserves his life, the one who opens wide his lips comes to ruin

Key words/phrases: context:  verses 2-3
  • guards/keepeth H5341 - watch, observe, keep closed, protect, maintain
  • mouth H6310
  • preserves H8104 - hedge about, beware
  • life H5315 - 
  • opens wide H6589 - part, be talkative, become licentious
  • comes to ruin H4288 destruction, terror, dissolution

What does it say (in my own words)?   Zip your lip and be careful what you say.   Run your cake hole and you'll come to ruin.

What does it mean?   Life or death is in the tongue - your choice.  If your emotions rule and you can't control yourself, it will destroy you.  Your future is a stake.  A simple lesson...

Study Questions:  
  1. What are you known for?  A gracious common sense approach or diarrhea of the mouth?
  2. Are you swift to hear and slow to speak?  James 1:19
  3. Does your mouth rule over you?
  4. Are you sarcastic and need to have the last word?
Personal application:  Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.  Some people aren't too bright - they could stand to engage their brain before they put their mouth in gear.  Get control of the tongue and do not sin with your mouth...Do a search on sins of the tongue.  Here's a link to get you started:  Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources: for free bible study software. for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time...

Monday, July 6, 2020

Proverbs 6:27

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. Would you date a skank - someone who is morally and spiritually lacking?  Applies to males/females!
  2. What ever happened to honesty from Christians?  
  3. Has relativism destroyed the church?

Proverbs 6:27 - Can a man take fire in his bosom  and his clothes not be burned?

Key words/phrases: context:  verses 27-29
  • take/carry/embrace H2846 - lay hold of, heap
  • fire H784 - hot
  • bosom/chest H2436
  • clothes/garments H899
  • burned H8313

What does it say (in my own words)?   Casual sex, casual sin will burn you.

What does it mean?   We live in a sex-saturated world.  Nothing new - see the bible texts.  Some will readily say they've not committed the physical act.  But wait, what of the lust of the heart?  And let's not leave out porn.  And no, this isn't just about men.  There are enough sleaze bags out there to open a chapter of Skanks R Us - and I'm referring to men and women.

Study Questions:  
  1. What do you get when you play with fire/sin?
  2. Does this deal with men only?
Personal application:  don't go there!....Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources: for free bible study software. for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time...

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Proverbs 5:23

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. Proverbs 6:16-19 is a great passage for those wondering if you've violated that which God hates...perhaps repentance is in order?
  2. People will always show their true colors.  Be patient.  Wait for it.  Swamp gas always rises to the surface.  LOL
  3. Please continue to pray for guidance on relocation.

Proverbs 5:23 - He will die for lack of instruction, and in the greatness of his folly he will go astray.

Key words/phrases: context is tough for this one.  Your thoughts?  I think verses 21-23.
  • die H4191 - death, destroy, kill, die prematurely
  • lack of instruction/discipline H4148 chastisement, chastening, reproof, warning, doctrine, rebuke, correction, punishment
  • greatness of his folly H200 silliness
  • astray H7686 mislead, transgress, err

What does it say (in my own words)?   Ignoring God's wisdom takes you to a very bad place.

What does it mean?   This chapter is titled The Pitfalls of Immorality in my Bible.  So while this deals with immorality, the principle can apply to many other areas.

Study Questions:  
  1. What happens to men who ignore instruction?  Remember, obedience is a big deal.
  2. Can one become addicted to worldly pleasures?
  3. Can an addicted person be free?
Personal application:  Whatever you're ignoring, whatever besetting sin you're engaged in, repent today!....Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources: for free bible study software. for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Proverbs 4:15

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. Daylilies come in all variety of different shapes and colors.  Visit the NDSU perennial gardens off 12th Ave N in Fargo ND.
  2. People will always show their true colors.  Be patient.  Wait for it.  

Proverbs 4:15 - avoid it, do not pass by it; turn away from it and pass on.

Key words/phrases: context - your Bible will usually have an outline.  Remember the book, chapter, verse divisions were not in the original.  My NASB shows a bold 10 and another bold 20.  That tells me the context is verse 10-19.  Your favorite commentary in e-sword will also have it but may vary.
  • avoid H6544 - refuse, let go, ignore, refrain, dismiss
  • do not pass by it H5674 - 
  • turn away H7847 - deviate, decline, go aside
  • pass on H5674

What does it say (in my own words)?   

What does it mean?  Steps to avoid sin.  

Study Questions:  
  1. Are your friends solid Christians?
  2. If everyone is doing it, it must be ok?  True or False...
  3. Do you surround yourself with wise, biblically literate people?
  4. Have you truly examined yourself?  2 Cor 13:5
Personal application:  Choose your friends wisely or they will corrupt you and tempt you to wordly sin.  Flee!  Reject!  Throw them under the bus.  Friendship with the world = enemies with God!  Do not be a companion of fools Prov 13:20.....Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources: for free bible study software. for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Proverbs 3:28

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. Betrayal is no way to make friends.  Real life or movie line?
  2. Snake in the grass!
  3. People will always show you their true colors.  Wait for it...
  4. The world is full of monsters wearing friendly faces - exercise caution because everyone wears a mask and many are liars/false advertisers.

Proverbs 3:28 - Do not say to your neighbor, "Go and come back, and tomorrow I will give it," when you have it with you.  NASB

Key words/phrases: 
  • neighbor/friend H7453
  • come back H7725 return, turn back
  • give H5414 deliver, grant, recompense

What does it say (in my own words)?  Do not delay giving when you are able.  

What does it mean?    Promptly fulfill obligations.  We are stewards of wealth.  This could also apply to sharing the gospel and spiritual matters.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed.  

Study Questions:  
  1. Who is your neighbor?
  2. Does this passage deal with material goods only?

Personal application:    Owe no man nothing but to love one another!  Rom 13:8.  Pay your bills as soon as they come in the mail, not net 30, 60, or 90 days!...Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources: for free bible study software. for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Proverbs 1:22

Daily musings, gripes, etc.  (limit 3-5)  😏
  1. I'm revising my estimate on the size of home I'd build.  500 sq ft or so is much more doable than 300.
  2. Changing a habit - how would you go about it?

Proverbs 1:22 - how long, O naive ones, will you love being simple minded?  And scoffers delight themselves in scoffing and fools hate knowledge?

Key words/phrases: context verses 20-33
  • naive/simple/foolish H6612
  • simple-minded H6612
  • scoffers H3917 deride, mock, scorn
  • delight H2530 take pleasure in, covet
  • scoffing/scorning H3944 from H3917 above
  • fools H3684 stupid, silly
  • hate H8130 detest, enmity, odious
  • knowledge H1847

What does it say (in my own words)?  

What does it mean?  3 classes of people are described here and none kindly.  So hopefully you are none of them.  😄

Study Questions:  
  1. Have you worked to gain any wisdom today?
  2. Are you lazy and ignorant?
  3. Do you accept instruction from others or are you stubborn and pig-headed?
  4. What will it take to get your attention?  A divorce?  The loss of another relationship because you refuse to change?
Personal application:    We have all found ourselves at one point or another in this mess of lazy procrastination.  Repent and change the behavior!  We do not have to be content with being stuck in a rut!  Take the offer of God's wisdom!....Blessings on your day.  😇

Free resources: for free bible study software. for inductive study information.

Disclaimer:  I get one Proverb verse in email each day (except Sunday) so these are not selected by me.  I try to stick to the list.  I also don't blog daily.  Just when I've time.

The Sluggard of Proverbs 12:27

Daily thoughts on faith and life:  😏 A person wants friendship but refuses to adopt the attributes of a safe person and would rather be tox...